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Louis Theroux's amateur rap remix reaches 3.6 MILLION views on YouTube after it inspired the viral TikTok craze 'My heart aches for him - life is f***ing hard': Comedian Dom Joly is among those rallying round Nick Cave after his son Jethro Lazenby died aged 30 Selling Sunset's Christine Quinn shows off her flawless fashion sense in a white jumpsuit and PVC boots as she enjoys some retail therapy in Paris Nicky Hilton's baby shower: The star is joined by her husband James Rothschild as well as sister Paris Hilton as she expects her third child, a boy Selling Sunset's Jason Oppenheim says he 'f***ed up' and struggles with Chrishell having kids with someone else after she revealed plans to adopt Selling Sunset fans react to Maya's expression as she is told about Chrishell's new romance with non-binary star G-Flip and becomes an instant meme Katie Holmes, 43, plants a passionate kiss on her new boyfriend Bobby Wooten III, 33, during lunch date in NYC Nick Cave's son Jethro Lazenby dies aged 30 two days after prison release - seven years after the singer's other son Arthur died in LSD-fuelled clifftop fall

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'They're gaslighting us again!' Countryfile viewers claim they feel 'absolutely sick' after BBC show blames shortage of new vets on Brexit

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