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'Hundreds of the clients we serve are satisfied. 'We have a lot of people who were a success and were healed,' he said. Goldberg told ABC News that he knew nothing about the lawsuit and insisted that the center had been successful in converting hundreds of homosexuals to a 'straight' lifestyle. He quit the therapy after 18 months, saying it made him feel 'degraded and violated,' he said. He said he was been sexually abused as a boy and that he felt confused about his sexuality, so he took a rabbi's advice and began conversion therapy at JONAH. Levin, 23, is now a gay rights advocate and blogger. The website advertises a book by Goldberg, 'Light in the Closet,' saying it 'explodes the 'gay gene' mystique, offering hope, compassion, direction and vitally needed information to gay strugglers, their families, friends, and surrounding community.' ' need to understand that change from homosexual to heterosexual is possible, that homosexuality is a learned behavior which can be unlearned, and that healing is a lifelong process,' writes Goldberg, the center's co-director. JONAH, based in Jersey City, claims on its website that through 'gender affirming processes' and 'reparative therapy,' that homosexual individuals can be turned straight.

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Book: Arthur Goldberg, co-director of the center, advertises his book, 'Light in the Closet' on the gay conversion center's website

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